Friday, 27 November 2015

(60) A Black Friday.

I hope you all had a good thanks giving. And that your Friday is not black but care free.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

(59) A Start To Another Day.

Here is an old caption from way back when. Yes you guessed it I have still got F all done caption wise. I would try and shake of this lethargy but that seems like hard work.
  OH the joy of being Bipolar. And no I am  not a bear who swings both ways.

2 In A Room - Wiggle It [1990] (Original Music Video from DVD source).avi

Monday, 2 November 2015

Starz Caption Contest

Its great to see Elena has put a post up on her contest site. She has not been able to write for a while
(that darn pesky muse! ) So pop over and say Hi and if you fancy trying your hand at your own caption maybe enter the latest contest.
 Contests are a great place to start and of course have fun. The theme is Halloween and there are photos to pick from.
  So don't be shy and get typing.