Sunday, 31 July 2016

(92) All Dolled Up.

I am still in a rut new caption wise and in a lethargy generally (sigh) so here is one made in March for Dee's D I Y contest then. I do enjoy inanimate captions but do feel a sense of dread i think it would drive one quite mad. So despite the ending  I wrote at the time I  think he might of got released after a little while of punishment. I am just a softy at heart.

New York Dolls - Looking for a Kiss

Sunday, 24 July 2016

(91) Big 'N' Beefy.

I'm sorry for not posting last week. I am back on the old stone age computer and its agony trying to do anything on it. Its just so slow. there is an icon that pops up. Loading. continue or kill. after two hours trying to write a caption KILL seemed like a viable option.
 Well I finished the caption this afternoon. I used a bit of magic in this one. that is not the usual transformation I like to use but I really wanted to post something with this daft photo.

Queen - Fat Bottomed Girls (Official Video)

Sunday, 10 July 2016

(90) A Time To Shine.

I am having a lazy day today. (But of course made time for this caption. ) I had got a bit sad going through some of my Mothers stuff. old black and white photos some i have never seen. Me a babe in mums arms! Do you guys know photos used to be on paper and uncolored, had to be sent of to be developed?
 So a day in front of the TV The tour DE France at the moment. the F1 racing soon and British super bike motor cycles being recorded. oh and the Euro football later. (The less said about England's team showing!)

The Who - Boris The Spider

Sunday, 3 July 2016

(89) A Sharpe Reminder.

Thanks for the messages they are very much appreciated.
Except for the tick in the good box! I am not sure if that was good I did not post or good that my mother died? There is always one LOL. Maybe something to discus in you next therapy session?
 Hey ho, here's this weeks post.

RAMONES - Needles & Pins