Saturday, 31 October 2015


Hi folks, did you miss me? no don't answer that. I have been without a computer for a couple of weeks but its Halloween and the ghoul has awakened.
 Witches roam tonight and untold horror is unleashed.
 Well my Halloween captions anyway !

Angel Witch - Angel Witch (Live)

Witches Hat

Sunday, 11 October 2015

(55) Tomboy Tomfoolery

Another weekend flown buy:( What a life got my Monday morning blues already. SIGH !
 But a little blog browsing and the forced fem suffering of others should brighten the evening.

Monday, 5 October 2015

(54) Suffering Suffragettes

Three captions for today. Found these photos while looking for images for a different theme,
I have not seen captions on  Suffragettes or indeed much vintage stuff.  Perhaps this has been used before way back when. I do enjoy the older photos and dress style so let me know what you think.